bring me to your studio!
My "Off the Mat"/Spiritual Workshops:
The Life Review/Intention Setting: Reflect, Reconnect, Redirect. This introspective
workshop is a guided session that will help you see who you are, be where you are
and craft the appropriate next steps on your path. In led exercises you will reflect on what
has brought you to the point you are in your life, connect to yourself to see yourself clearly and then, based on your observations, set thoughtful and usable goals and intentions for the coming year.
Forgiveness, the Gift you Give Yourself:
It is hard to let go, isn't it? We've been raised to believe that if we forgive someone (including ourselves!), we are saying what they did was okay. That they win, and we lose. Our feelings of hurt are real, but the bigger truth is that when we don’t let go, we allow the person who hurt us to continue to have power over us. When we release the offense that ties us to them, we release the ties that bind them to us. This is a challenging idea, but come explore this with me, as I guide you through exercises and help you to let go, to loosen the hold old transgressions have over you, so you are free....
Discover Your Dharma, Uncover Your Purpose:
Why am I here? Am I fulfilling my potential? How can I serve? These are questions we ask ourselves when we wonder about our Life Purpose, (in Sanskrit, Dharma). Our roles in life change over its course, but our essence is constant and yearning to be expressed. We all have unique gifts, our life has meaning when we share them. Join me to uncover, then discover how to offer yours...
Holding Your Space: Self-Care, Boundaries and Taking Your Power Back:
What does it mean to Hold Your Space? Join me to explore these concepts and get some great tools to deal with stressful people and situations; Learn to set boundaries with people and the world around you (so you don't get bulldozed or bombarded by what you can't control), take your power back ( so you no longer let others control you) and the importance of self care ( so you can use these tools from a place that is centered and whole).
An Introduction to Meditation:
While often confused with cult, meditation is a beneficial practice that is often misrepresented and misunderstood. It’s not a religion, so it won’t conflict with yours. You don’t have to change what you eat, shave your head, or wear special clothes. Come learn about the science that supports it’s benefits, the mechanics of making the mind calm, creating space between your thoughts ( whatever they are and wherever they lean), and maybe find some peace of mind. I explore three different techniques of this ancient practice to aid in alleviating stress, calming the mind and creating health in the body.
Changing Seasons, Seasons of Change:
Life is a journey, with ups and downs, ins and outs, periods of steadiness and times of transition. Kids going to college, empty-nesting, divorce, downsizing, retiring, leaving a career, changing careers or restarting one: these are all examples of the transitions many of us face in today’s non-linear life. Change is an inevitable part of our journey, but how we see it has to do with how it affects us; the better we learn to navigate change, the easier it will be to manage. Join me to create a "transition toolkit" so moving from one life stage to another is more conscious, centered, and smooth.
Especially for Yoga Teachers:
Honing Your Craft: A Workshop for Yoga Instructors:
Done in threem three hour sections or in one full day, this workshop is designed for new teachers or for those who have been teaching for a few years and would like to take the crafting of their classes to a higher level. This workshop is for you if:
-You have a 200 hour certification as a foundation but want more depth of knowledge in creating an intelligently sequenced class or the specifics of alignment
-You are attending classes of more experienced teachers, trying to implement what they are doing in your own classes but don’t really understand the methodology behind it
-You want to explain and speak with authority regarding what you are teaching and why, and be able to answer questions from students
-If you are drawing on a fitness backround to enliven your yoga classes because you don’t have enough “Yoga knowledge” to draw from.
MY NEW COURSE! A Tapestry Of Texts:
My accessible exploration of the Yoga Sutras and Bhagavad Gita, with a “weaving in" of complementary teachings from other spiritual traditions…because through the Unity of ancient wisdom, we can receive useful guidance to overcome the challenges of present day.
Ten Sessions. Sign up for the complete course to have access to the recordings, or take them as individual classes as it works with your schedule. You'll need to buy or borrow the Swami Satchidananda translation of the Sutras and the Gita. There is so much to love about the scriptures, and by finding the Unity in these beautiful teachings, perhaps we will learn to find the beauty in Life and each other... Atha Yoganushasanam!
For Yoga Studios/Students:
Master Classes and Alignment Workshops: Two and one half hour advanced Vinyasa classes with a “workshops’ component to dive deeper into more technical aspects of alignment.
A Weekend Immersion:
Uncover Your Authentic Truth: A Spiritual Weekend Exploration (used as "Swadyaya" in YTT's!)
“There is an Indian proverb that says everyone is a house with Four Rooms: physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room every day, even if
only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.” Rumer Godden
Are you living fully and completely in your house of Self? Does your exterior life support and reflect what gives your life joy and meaning? Where might there be disconnections? Join me as I lead you in uncovering and clarifying your unique Truth: layer by layer, room by room, and guide you toward aligning your exterior existence with your inner existence. Through meditations, journaling, yoga, and guided exercises, you will come away from this experiential weekend knowing yourself better and better able to make choices and take actions that integrates all the layers of Self in order to live a more joyful life. ** Format: Friday 6-9 PM, Saturday 9am-5pm (lunch and 2 breaks), Sunday 9am-1pm; 12 hrs total.